Saturday, August 05, 2006


5th August 2006

I'm stuck in a real moral dilemma now. My boss last night needed me to seperate him from the P-man and take him down for beer. Yes, it was Friday and cos of the Big P, we had to put in OT till 9 pm to cover his shit.

I quote him: "NNB, that bastard. I actually used the F word on one of my men you know. It's been bloody 20 years since I've ever done that. I really can't take this anymore la."

Now, he wants me to write an "objective" assessment of the P-man's workability as an employee of my organization. Sounds very "pour sand into the rice bowl" to me. I think I'll abstain. If fate wills it, what I do or don't do will make the end result the same anyway. But my boss had a different way of putting it across to me.

Boss: Remember the movie Spiderman?
ME: Yeah?
Boss: You know that part where Spiderman will let the robber go, help him actually, but later cos of him his uncle will die?
Me: Uh-huh...
Boss: Yeah la, I need to kill THIS robber to save all the rest of the future "uncles" he MIGHT kill throughout the rest of his career.
Me: Wah seh. You also creative ah Sir. Amazing what 5 cans of beer does to our imagination. I see how la, I scared karma.
Boss: Why you scared? I'm Buddhist, I can teach you bout Karma. Trust me. In this situation, Karma is on my account because I'm the one who's gonna perform the action what. You just provide a little bit of input just to see if what I think tallies with what you think.
Me: Urmz......

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